Get the Facts

The key to staying smoke-free is to prepare for and cope with challenges as they occur.

1. When I stop smoking and start using Nicotine Polacrilex Lozenges how will I feel?
Nicotine Polacrilex Lozenges help reduce cravings but be prepared for some nicotine withdrawal symptoms. After you stop smoking, they can begin almost at once and are normally at their strongest during the first three or four days. For some people, any of the following may occur:

  • unexpected craving or urges for cigarettes
  • anxiety, irritability, restlessness, mood changes, nervousness
  • drowsiness
  • trouble concentrating
  • increased appetite and weight gain
  • headaches, muscular pain, constipation, fatigue

Nicotine Polacrilex Lozenges are designed to reduce the craving for nicotine you used to satisfy with cigarettes. Nicotine Polacrilex Lozenges can also help provide relief from other withdrawal symptoms such as irritability and nervousness.

2. Are Nicotine Polacrilex Lozenges just swapping one type of nicotine addiction for another?
Nicotine Polacrilex Lozenges do contain nicotine, however there is probably less nicotine in your daily dose of lozenges than in your cigarettes.

Nicotine Polacrilex Lozenges give you enough nicotine to help you combat the physical withdrawal symptoms so you can cope with the mental side of stopping smoking. Also, since the nicotine from the lozenges goes into your blood stream more slowly, it produces less of the effects of nicotine that people find rewarding. In fact, when used as directed in the 12 week program,

Nicotine Polacrilex Lozenges gradually wean you off your dependence for both nicotine and cigarettes.

3. Can Nicotine Polacrilex Lozenges do any harm?
Some people with conditions like heart disease or people taking prescription medicine for asthma or depression should not use this product without talking to their doctor – check the IMPORTANT WARNINGS on page 5 of Users Guide.

You may also experience side effects such as hiccups, mouth or throat irritation, heartburn or other stomach problems such as nausea especially if Nicotine Polacrilex Lozenges are chewed or swallowed. In any case, Nicotine Polacrilex Lozenges do not contain the tar, carbon monoxide, and other toxins present in cigarette smoke.

4. Will I put on weight?
In the first couple of months after quitting smoking, some people do put on a few pounds. But think of it this way. Overall, you’ll be healthier and look better. You can always tackle your weight by changing your diet and increasing the amount you exercise once you have gotten through the difficult part of stopping smoking.

5. Does taking Nicotine Polacrilex Lozenges cost more than smoking?
If you normally smoke a pack and a half a day, your total cost of using Nicotine Polacrilex Lozenges during the 12-week period is about the same as smoking. But guess what? After you’ve finished the Nicotine Polacrilex Lozenge program all that money you used to spend on cigarettes is now savings. And think of the health issues you’ll hopefully be able to avoid.

6. What if I have a cigarette and start smoking?
Don’t panic. First, don’t think badly of yourself. Throw away your cigarettes and forgive yourself. Then think about what went wrong and get back on track. In fact people who have already tried to stop smoking are more likely to be successful the next time.


Once you quit smoking, you are likely to experience periodic, and sometimes intense, temptations to smoke. Certain situations present special challenges. Some common ones include:

Stress and upset.
When you are feeling stressed or upset, you may think a cigarette will make everything better. It won’t. Find other ways to relax and unwind.

The blues.
You may be especially vulnerable when you feel bored or blue. Remember that having a cigarette will just make you feel worse.

Smoking cues.
Seeing cigarettes or watching other people smoke can trigger temptation. Remember that you choose not to smoke anymore.

Drinking and smoking seem to go together, and alcoholic beverages may weaken your resolve, making drinking dangerous to your quit effort. Avoid drinking early in your quit effort, and try to drink with non-smokers.

Automatic slips.
Sometimes you may find yourself preparing to smoke without even realizing it. Watch out for those moments when your hand seems to ‘automatically’ reach for a cigarette.

Watch out for these situations: they can trigger a relapse. You probably know which one(s) are most dangerous for you; plan ahead to deal with the situation effectively. Always remember that you’re trying to break a habit, and the most important thing is to do something to combat the urge in these situations.

Coping After Quitting
If you find yourself tempted to smoke, here are some things to consider

  • Escape. Leave the situation, even for a few minutes. Most temptations don’t last long
  • Distract yourself. Get your mind off smoking. Think of something else or get busy with something.
  • Relax. Don’t let stress get to you. Think of pleasant, relaxing things; breathe slowly and regularly. Let the stress drain out of you.
  • Talk yourself out of it. What you say to yourself matters. So remind yourself how important it is for you to quit, remind yourself you can’t have just one, or just command yourself to STOP.